Each grade studies books of the Bible, biblical characters and themes. The students are afforded the opportunity to grow in their knowledge of the Word and in their faith.
Music plays an active role in the lives of our students. Harvest students have the opportunity, through individualised tuition, to learn to play an instrument. Harvest proudly hosts a number of music concerts each year including a concert for beginners. Students perform regularly at the weekly Chapels both on Wednesdays and Fridays, whilst many students are included in the school band, string ensemble and recorder ensemble. The Primary School boasts junior worship teams who assist in leading worship during the Primary School Chapel times.
You can download the Music Application Form here.
Pupils who demonstrate talent, ability and the appropriate attitude and commitment are included in worship teams to contribute towards worship, which is an important aspect of the school. The worship teams form the foundation on which relevant skills are built, contributing to the enhancement of the worship as they mature into young leaders who ultimately participate in the High School worship teams.
Internal Eisteddfods for English and Afrikaans are held for all the students. Each student, from Grade 1 to Grade 7, is given the opportunity to give a presentation from one of the following genres:
Performances are adjudicated and awarded with either a Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate.
Harvest pupils have an opportunity to be trained in ‘worship dance’ at Harvest Church. This is an extra-mural activity and is facilitated by a Harvest Church member.
‘Harvest Has Talent’, is a talent show initiated to highlight and profile the numerous God-given talents within our school. This show provides a valuable opportunity for our students to perform on stage in front of an audience.
All Primary School classes select and perform a song, prose or dance item. Working in a team and being a team member is an important life-skill which is developed through this event. This is one occasion where all students are together on stage, working as a team.
Harvest has a Foundation Phase Choir (Grades 1 to 3) and an Intermediate Phase Choir (Grades 4 to 7). Students develop a repertoire of age-appropriate songs and are afforded the opportunity to perform at various internal and external school events and competitions. Many of our students have progressed from the school choir and represent Harvest in the Eastern Cape Children’s Choir.