All the Grade 7 students participate in a broad-based leadership programme, as servant leaders.
Throughout the year their leadership skills are developed through various training processes, which include their annual grade Outdoor Education experience. They are given an opportunity to serve the primary school staff and students through class leadership and being responsible for various duties in and around the school.
Further leadership opportunities are afforded them in Mini Chapel (Assembly) where they facilitate the running of Chapel with welcoming, Bible reading, prayer, birthdays, awards, assistance in leading the worship etc. The Grade 7 students are also responsible for caring for and monitoring a class for the year.
Each class embarks on at least one outing per term, which may vary in nature and purpose and they attend one development camp. These activities address environmental and leadership issues, and interactive social skills are fostered. While the emphasis may rest on fun, greater educational values serve as a foundation.
The Bible is our central reference and all our subjects are biblically integrated, giving our students a biblical worldview. We seek to communicate its teachings in a way that our students may learn to live in today’s world with discernment and purpose. This training embraces an understanding of the significance of character, and of Godly values. Relationship with God and others is pivotal.
Each day begins with devotion, either in class or chapel. The Primary School meets every Wednesday for Mini Chapel, a time for praise and worship and a short teaching. We join the High School on Friday mornings for a ‘whole school chapel’. Bible Education is an integral part of the curriculum with emphasis placed on the memorisation of scripture verses and passages.
The Spiritual Pursuits Programme has been developed to provide opportunity for our students to increase their knowledge of who God is and His Word and encourage them with the foundational disciplines of our faith. Enthusiastic and committed participation in the various challenges will strengthen their walk with Jesus and provide the opportunity for students to use their spiritual gifts and talents. The challenges strengthen faith and create a servant heart in the students. They promote the reading and sharing of scripture and Christian literature. Students are encouraged to share their faith and their relationship with God. The challenges are structured with different levels which are adapted for the various age groups and may include:
· Reading Scripture
· Memorising the Books of the Bible
· Sharing a testimony
· Christian Service
· Learning Memory Verses
· Reading Christian Literature
· Character Studies
· Christian Arts including song/ prose writing, worship dance, drama and/or art